Enduro Derby

June 20, 2025
7:00 PM
Location: Showring

Admission: Free with Paid Fair Admission

Classes and Payouts:

Modified: $2,500 Purse
minimum 12 cars for total purse

Stock: $1,500 Purse
minimum 12 cars for total purse

Youth: 100% Payback
(ages 12-16, must have minor consent release signed and notarized before the event, and must have rider 18+ in the car)

Please click here for an official release forms (If a driver and/or mechanic is under the age of 18, please have this form completed and notarized before you come to the event. We will not have a notary on the grounds for this event.)

Contact Brandon Eldridge with questions concerning the event.
(270) 227-3335